Waxes and Paraffins
Paraffins are composed of a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons of high molecular weight. They have their carbon atoms organized in open chains, using only single bonds, which can be normal or branched chains. The high degree of refining they are subjected to makes them white in color and excellent chemical stability. They are rated for melting point.
It is used:
- In the matches, tanning and emulsions industry;
- In the composition of rubber artifacts;
- In the manufacture of emulsions for the textile industry;
- As an additive in the manufacture of tires.
It is used:
- In the manufacture of candles;
- In the paper waxing industry;
- In the composition of rubber artifacts;
- In the composition of waxes in general.
It is used:
- In the manufacture of candles;
- As a waterproofing agent for papers, packaging, canvas and refrigerators;
- As an additive in the manufacture of tires and chemicals;
- In the composition of waxes in general;
- As an additive in the formulation of paints and varnishes.
It is used:
- In the manufacture of candles;
- As a waterproofing agent for papers, packaging, canvas and refrigerators;
- In the manufacture of tires and rubber artifacts;
It is used:
- As electrical insulating material and waterproofing;
- In the manufacture of household polishes and waxes;
- Rubber artifacts;
- In the paraffination of fruits and cheeses.
Special Paraffin
It is used:
- In the manufacture of handmade candles to give the final bath, giving a velvety appearance.
Food Grade
It is used:
- In the paraffination of fruits and cheeses.
Ecological Wax
Developed for the manufacture of handmade candles with excellent burning characteristics.
- Vegetable product based on hydrogenated soy wax, alternative to paraffin in the manufacture of handmade candles.
- Vegetable product based on coconut, palm kernel and palm wax, alternative to paraffin in the manufacture of handmade candles.
These and many other products are offered by Solven. Contact us to find out more.
Ethyl Acetate
Stearic Acid
Butyl Glycol
Ethyl Glycol
White Mineral Oil
Kerosene and Deodorized Kerosene
Rubber Solvent
Liquid Vaseline
Industrial Solid Vaseline
MORE INFORMATION ON Waxes and Paraffins
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